Cleveland, USA - Paris, France - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 6,211 km / 3,859 miles
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
You are looking at Cleveland , Ohio in USA. The city has a population of 478403 residents. It is located on -80.38 degrees longitude, and 41.47 latitude.
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Paris, Wisconsin, France
You are looking at Paris , Wisconsin in France. The city has a population of 11330702 residents. It is located on 2.33 degrees longitude, and 48.87 latitude.
Paris , General info:
Best time for visiting Paris is from april to september or during X-mas holidays
Crowds can be heavy during summer time. Weather is generally nice in April and may.
Paris , Cheap stuff:
Far less cheap public transport compared to London.
Paris , Different stuff:
to find nice and cheap clothes : go to "les halles" or rue de rivoli.
Paris , Don't miss:
Obviously the Eiffel Tower, the "arc de triomphe", the "champs elysées",
montmartre quarter (home of the famous painters),
All the great museums such as Le Louvre or Beaubourg modern art as well as the Musee d'Orsay with works from the impressionist area
the castles of Versailles and Vincennes.
Paris , Food:
All the French food.
ask for "blanquette de veau" (veal with white sauce) this is french's favorite dish or boeuf bourguignon (wine sauce and beef)
my favorite restaurant in Paris (i'm french) : aux deux canards 8, rue du faubourg poissonière
Paris , Hotels:
four seasons george V or the ritz ;-)
Paris , Safety:
pretty safe place, no gangs here !
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