Chicago, USA - Cleveland, USA - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 498 km / 310 miles

Chicago, Illinois, USA

You are looking at Chicago , Illinois in USA. The city has a population of 2000006 residents. It is located on -86.36 degrees longitude, and 41.87 latitude.

Chicago , General info:

Two airports -Midway or OHare (ORD).OHare is major airport; both convenient to downtown (called The Loop)

Chicago , Different stuff:

flee market - great fun!

Chicago , Don't miss:


Chicago , Food:

Food in Chicago is excellent! There is so much variety. There are many places for steak (Carmine's, Wildfire). There is also great Italian (Sappori Trattoria). Many ethnic restaurants if you want tasty affordable alternatives. My advice - go to a BYOB with a bottle or two of wine and you'll save.

Chicago , Hotels:

Hotels along Michigan Avenue are fun yet expensive. For a cheaper place in a great location, try Congress Plaza hotel.

Chicago , Safety:

OK for the most part. Just plan out your route in advance. Take cabs, buses, or trains.

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Cleveland, Ohio, USA

You are looking at Cleveland , Ohio in USA. The city has a population of 478403 residents. It is located on -80.38 degrees longitude, and 41.47 latitude.


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