Carlsbad, USA - Cleveland, USA - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 2,297 km / 1,427 miles

Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA

You are looking at Carlsbad , New Mexico in USA. The city has a population of 25410 residents. It is located on -103.75 degrees longitude, and 32.43 latitude.

Carlsbad , General info:

Carlsbad is a city in and the county seat of Eddy County, New Mexico, in the United States.

Carlsbad , Cheap stuff:

Hotel and Motels price

Carlsbad , Different stuff:

Carlsbad caverns national park. Elevations within the park rise from 1,095 meters (3,595 feet) in the lowlands to 1,987 meters (6,520 feet) atop the escarpment. Though there are scattered woodlands in the higher elevations, the park is primarily a variety of grassland and desert shrubland habitats.

Carlsbad , Don't miss:

The deserts of the Southwest contain some of the highest diversity of mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects in the United States. The Bat Cave area in Carlsbad Cavern provides important habitat for a large colony of Brazilian (Mexican) free-tailed bats as a place to give birth and raise young, as well as a stopover for migrating bats.

Carlsbad , Food:

Commonly in small town,amarican breakfast and fast food

Carlsbad , Hotels:

Best Western Stevens Inn

Comfort Inn

Days Inn

Carlsbad , Safety:

Crime rate is above U.S. national average

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Cleveland, Ohio, USA

You are looking at Cleveland , Ohio in USA. The city has a population of 478403 residents. It is located on -80.38 degrees longitude, and 41.47 latitude.


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