Caracas, Venezuela - Cleveland, USA - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 3,755 km / 2,333 miles

Caracas, Venezuela

You are looking at Caracas in Venezuela. The city has a population of 3517304 residents. It is located on -65.07 degrees longitude, and 10.50 latitude.

Caracas , General info:

caracas is the capital of venezuela, is locate on a valley, in the bottom of avila mountain, who separate from the sea, it's really polarized, in the south and east we can find the medium-high classes, the modern malls and buildings, while in the north and west, we can fin mayority of poor people and informal houses (ranchos)

Caracas , Cheap stuff:

you can find from informal stores, really cheap, to high classes stores, most in the east

Caracas , Different stuff:

is really bad in the traffic matters, because the increase number of population and the almost none planification, you have to planifying in hour out of office hours

Caracas , Don't miss:


san ignacio

las mercedes

Caracas , Food:

you can also find different type of food, form around the world

Caracas , Hotels:

euro building


Caracas , Safety:

is it really insecure at the time

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Cleveland, Ohio, USA

You are looking at Cleveland , Ohio in USA. The city has a population of 478403 residents. It is located on -80.38 degrees longitude, and 41.47 latitude.


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