Calcutta, India - Vientiane, Laos - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 1,566 km / 973 miles

Calcutta, India

You are looking at Calcutta in India. The city has a population of 15481589 residents. It is located on 88.40 degrees longitude, and 22.57 latitude.

Calcutta , General info:

New name is KOLKATA - that is closer how it used to be pronounced in the native language - Bengali.

Airport code is still the old code CCU for Calcutta. The airport is on northeast corner of metro - also also called Dum Dum from the local township name.

If going by train, try station names of HOWRAH or SEALDAH - the latter is a friendlier terminus, but less trains go there. Howrah is the traditional rail terminus - on other side of river Ganges.

Calcutta , Cheap stuff:

Great food - whether Mughlai or sweets, and most reasonable price among metro Indian cities.

'Get Well' Clinic is the best as well as very cheap PHYSIOTHERPY & ACUPRESSURE Centre. You can get really sincer and dedicated treatment here.

Calcutta , Different stuff:

Tough driving and narrow / slow roads.

Calcutta , Don't miss:

Victoria Memorial.

Darjeeling - a hill town about 600 km north.

Digha - a seaside resort - about 4 hours drive

Calcutta , Food:

Great food everywhere in this city

Calcutta , Hotels:

Quite a few 4 and 5 star hotels

Calcutta , Safety:

Safer than other towns - but beware of pickpocketing.

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Vientiane, Laos

You are looking at Vientiane in Laos. The city has a population of 194200 residents. It is located on 102.60 degrees longitude, and 17.97 latitude.


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