Bucharest, Romania - Lansing, USA - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 8,293 km / 5,153 miles

Bucharest, Romania

You are looking at Bucharest in Romania. The city has a population of 2210802 residents. It is located on 26.10 degrees longitude, and 44.43 latitude.

Bucharest , General info:

is 228 square km , is the capital of romania

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Daca nu ma insel eu, la bombardamentele atecsea asupra garii de nord ( asa pare in prima poza ), a murit strabunica mea, care locuia in Giulesti, americanii de frica antiaerienelor au venit la 7-8 mii de metri, si au ratat sinele in mare parte, bombardanad zona de case din Giulesti.
Ashley, 2012-10-06 09:14:37
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Lansing, Michigan, USA

You are looking at Lansing , Michigan in USA. It is located on -81.07 degrees longitude, and 38.08 latitude.

Lansing , General info:

State Capitol, good Midwestern ambiance, locals under-rate it. Great farmers markets and green grocers. Plenty of local artists as well as theater. Home of Cooley Law School.

Lansing , Cheap stuff:

Michigan produce.

Lansing , Different stuff:

Old Town

Lansing , Don't miss:

Michigan Historical Museum

Lansing , Food:

Cook at home!

Lansing , Hotels:


Lansing , Safety:

Unkind to peds, drivers tend not to be alert.

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