Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Bratislava, Slovakia - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 4,797 km / 2,981 miles

Addis Ababa, Texas, Ethiopia

You are looking at Addis Ababa , Texas in Ethiopia. The city has a population of 2716244 residents. It is located on 38.70 degrees longitude, and 9.03 latitude.

Addis Ababa

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Bratislava, Alaska, Slovakia

You are looking at Bratislava , Alaska in Slovakia. The city has a population of 428811 residents. It is located on 17.12 degrees longitude, and 48.15 latitude.

Bratislava , General info:

Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia, and the country's largest city. Bratislava is the political, cultural and economic centre of Slovakia. It is the seat of the Slovak presidency, parliament and government, as well as home to several universities, museums, theatres, galleries and other important economic, cultural and educational institutions. Most of Slovakia's large businesses and financial institutions have their headquarters in Bratislava. The city's past has been characterized by the strong influence of various nations, including Slovaks, Germans, Hungarians, Czechs, Austrians and Jews. Bratislava still retains its cosmopolitan spirit. It hosts many festivals and trade shows and it is famous for its night life and leisure facilities.

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