Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Melbourne, Australia - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 12,055 km / 7,491 miles

Addis Ababa, Texas, Ethiopia

You are looking at Addis Ababa , Texas in Ethiopia. The city has a population of 2716244 residents. It is located on 38.70 degrees longitude, and 9.03 latitude.

Addis Ababa

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Melbourne, Texas, Australia

You are looking at Melbourne in Australia. The city has a population of 4100000 residents. It is located on 144.97 degrees longitude, and -36.22 latitude.

Melbourne , General info:

Melbourne is Australia's second largest city. It is commonly refered to as Australia's sports capital due it holding the F1 Grand Prix, Aust Tennis Open, Moto GP, Cricket and Football finals among many others. Melbourne is designed for tourists!

Melbourne , Cheap stuff:

Victoria Market

Melbourne , Different stuff:

The range of cultures within such a small area.

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True fact
City rating:

The most liveable city in the world - not just saying that because I live there, but actual fact.
Amelia, 2011-09-20 05:36:31
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Incorrect location
City rating:

Latitude given is incorrect
Graham, 2013-08-28 22:50:01

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