Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Helsinki, Finland - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 5,800 km / 3,604 miles

Addis Ababa, Texas, Ethiopia

You are looking at Addis Ababa , Texas in Ethiopia. The city has a population of 2716244 residents. It is located on 38.70 degrees longitude, and 9.03 latitude.

Addis Ababa

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Helsinki, Texas, Finland

You are looking at Helsinki in Finland. The city has a population of 1162908 residents. It is located on 24.97 degrees longitude, and 60.17 latitude.

Helsinki , General info:

Good city to visit, not shoppers paradise but still.

Helsinki , Cheap stuff:

Expensive country if compared to sweden or other hifh level EU-countries, cheap for russians etc.

Helsinki , Different stuff:

It's almoust all the same.

Helsinki , Don't miss:

Art museums, museum of technology(tekniikan museo)

Helsinki , Food:

Nothing really special.

Helsinki , Hotels:

Scandinavian average

Helsinki , Safety:

Much safer than other EU-countries capitals. Polices are hard to find at central area, but there is a lot of security guards, so they can help.

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wrong state again
City rating:

Here also Michigan has been added as the state in which Helsinki is, and nothing could be further from the truth
June Miller, 2012-09-01 22:04:22

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