Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Fairbanks, USA - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 11,795 km / 7,329 miles

Addis Ababa, Texas, Ethiopia

You are looking at Addis Ababa , Texas in Ethiopia. The city has a population of 2716244 residents. It is located on 38.70 degrees longitude, and 9.03 latitude.

Addis Ababa

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Fairbanks, Alaska, USA

You are looking at Fairbanks , Alaska in USA. The city has a population of 32000 residents. It is located on -146.15 degrees longitude, and 64.80 latitude.

Fairbanks , Don't miss:

aurora borealis (northern lights)

March - World Ice Art Championships

July - Golden Days celebrates Fairbanks\' start

August - Tanana Valley Fair

dog sled racing

gold panning

Fairbanks , Hotels:

Ranch Motel - a great little motel with clean rooms, friendly service. At 2223 S. Cushman Street. They have a websiite listing what to do and see in Fairbanks

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