Bombay, India - San Juan, Puerto Rico - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 13,874 km / 8,621 miles

Bombay, India

You are looking at Bombay in India. The city has a population of 17449532 residents. It is located on 72.80 degrees longitude, and 19.00 latitude.

Bombay , General info:

Original name now is Mumbai.More cosmopolitan city in India.

You can read, in spanish, some testimonies here:

Bombay , Don't miss:

Museum Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastru Sangrahalaya.

Elephant Island.

Mosque in the sea.

Bombay , Food:

Street foood: Coconuts outside Cathedra. Chana (garbanzos) and peanuts in India Gate. Corn and Bel Phuri (fried vegetables) at Chowpatty Beach.

Kulfi are great icecreams. Kofta flavour (similar to Pistachio) is delicious.

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San Juan, Puerto Rico

You are looking at San Juan in Puerto Rico. The city has a population of 2509007 residents. It is located on -65.88 degrees longitude, and 18.47 latitude.

San Juan

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