Auckland, New Zealand - Cleveland, USA - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 13,623 km / 8,465 miles
Auckland, North Dakota, New Zealand
You are looking at Auckland , North Dakota in New Zealand. The city has a population of 1200000 residents. It is located on 174.78 degrees longitude, and -35.08 latitude.
Auckland , General info:
Often callled the city of sails due to the many boats in its harbor. Auckland has over 50 volcanos and Range Toto - a volcanic Island in the center of the harbour is only 600 years old. Fott prints preserved in ash show that the native population actually watched this volcanic Island form. The rocks on the Island are still warm to the touch.
Auckland , Cheap stuff:
Visit One Tree Hill (although the tree was chopped down by a Mauri activist recently) for a beautiful view of the city. Also visit the Albert museum, which also has a spectacular view.
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Cleveland, Ohio, USA
You are looking at Cleveland , Ohio in USA. The city has a population of 478403 residents. It is located on -80.38 degrees longitude, and 41.47 latitude.
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Imagine if your listing wasn't so full of mistakes?
City rating:
Maori War Memorial Museum Albert park Rangitoto island. Rocks are NOT warm...
Geoff, 2012-09-02 19:23:00
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