Singapore, Singapore - Skopje, Macedonia - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 9,283 km / 5,768 miles

Singapore, Singapore

You are looking at Singapore in Singapore. The city has a population of 3438609 residents. It is located on 103.83 degrees longitude, and 1.30 latitude.

Singapore , General info:


Singapore , Cheap stuff:

Used to be a haven for cheap electronics and gadgets but no more.

Singapore , Different stuff:

It's a mixture of Chinese, Malay, Indian & English. However no new fusion stuff here but a mixture or mess of all the above cultures.

Singapore , Don't miss:

You can give it a miss unless you want to use this city as a gateway to the rest of the asia. this is the safest place on the planet ( i bet you believe me when you land here).

Singapore , Food:

Good food.

Singapore , Hotels:

nice hotels though not cheap

Singapore , Safety:

probably the safest place.

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City rating:

A great way to chgane the future would be to get governments and politicians to side with clean energy. The reason that clean energy hasn't taken hold here is because our government and politicians are stubborn due to the fact that oil is money to them. We need to work with them to realize that renewable energy is a gold mine socially and financially, all it needs is the attention of the people who run this country and other countries as well. Secondly, the public needs to be educated on renewable energy so that we don't have another generation of brainwashed citizens who support oil and don't believe in global warming or renewable energy. I have an ambition to chgane the world by designing green cities in the future one day. When I have the necessary credentials, I will try my hardest to make this ambition a reality. I am truly happy to see that people are already way ahead of me on this. Cities like the one above are the future, not just for China, but for the entire human race.
Isuru, 2012-02-29 11:12:00
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Skopje, Macedonia

You are looking at Skopje in Macedonia. The city has a population of 587308 residents. It is located on 21.43 degrees longitude, and 41.98 latitude.

Skopje , General info:

Capital and largest city in the Republic of Macedonia, with more than a quarter of the population of the country, as well as the political, cultural, economic, and academic center of the country. The city developed rapidly after World War II, but this trend was interrupted in 1963 when it was hit by a disastrous earthquake. Today Skopje is a modern city with a range of cultural monuments.

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