Asmara, Eritrea - Bombay, India - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 3,621 km / 2,250 miles

Asmara, Eritrea

You are looking at Asmara in Eritrea. The city has a population of 899024 residents. It is located on 38.88 degrees longitude, and 15.33 latitude.

Asmara , General info:

Asmara , Cheap stuff:

There many things that are inexpensive in asmara, from clothes to rental cars.

Asmara , Different stuff:

There are lots of cultural antiques in this city that you could buy as a suvenier.

Asmara , Don't miss:

Not really the only thing i missed were my family, but they had everthing else.

Asmara , Food:

There food is really unique, it is a flat bread called injara, with a red spicy sauce called thhebe, you can also put differnt type of sause. Their is also a cake like bread called himbassha, very tasty.

Asmara , Hotels:

Their is a newly built intercontinantal hotal that is cheap and luxury.

Asmara , Safety:

No one in this city bothers you for money or anything else, you can stay out as late as you want with nothing to worry about. It is the safest city in africa and maybe the world.

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City rating:

Posts like this brhitgen up my day. Thanks for taking the time.
Jasemin, 2011-06-02 04:08:59

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Michael Walker, actually seiarlas already have doubled the past 6 years! At least in manufacturing they have, for high skilled operators, but office staff as well. I am in Suzhou, I set up the firm in 2004, left end of 2010.In 2005 if you wanted operators, accountants, loads of people would show up for an interview. Nowadays you get 6 potential operators at the door in stead of 50; and 2 accountants in stead of 15 5 or 6 years ago!An apartment in Suzhou SIP cost you 6500RMB/m2 in 2006; they go for 17-18000/m2 today!And don't forget inflation: 6% yoy.Moreover: a pack of milk will cost you 9.5RMB for 1liter, in Germany and Holland we pay 5RMB max! So China is double the price of EU and yes, both countries are heavily subsidized! So who is fooling who and who is profiting big-time here?I purchase fabrication parts and sub-assemblies to export to the EU and I visit suppliers and manufacturers all over China. They all face the same problem that staff keeps asking for wage increase every week! No matter in Shenzhen, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Suzhou, Shandong. China cheap? No way!!!
Erlan, 2013-01-29 19:55:31

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Bombay, India

You are looking at Bombay in India. The city has a population of 17449532 residents. It is located on 72.80 degrees longitude, and 19.00 latitude.

Bombay , General info:

Original name now is Mumbai.More cosmopolitan city in India.

You can read, in spanish, some testimonies here:

Bombay , Don't miss:

Museum Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastru Sangrahalaya.

Elephant Island.

Mosque in the sea.

Bombay , Food:

Street foood: Coconuts outside Cathedra. Chana (garbanzos) and peanuts in India Gate. Corn and Bel Phuri (fried vegetables) at Chowpatty Beach.

Kulfi are great icecreams. Kofta flavour (similar to Pistachio) is delicious.

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