Porto Novo, Benin - Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska) - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 4,557 km / 2,831 miles

Porto Novo, Benin

You are looking at Porto Novo in Benin. The city has a population of 231608 residents. It is located on 2.62 degrees longitude, and 6.48 latitude.

Porto Novo

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Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)

You are looking at Zagreb in Croatia (Hrvatska). The city has a population of 685501 residents. It is located on 15.97 degrees longitude, and 45.80 latitude.

Zagreb , General info:

The best city in the world!

Zagreb , Cheap stuff:

Almost everything is cheap!

Zagreb , Don't miss:

Great old town.

Zagreb , Food:

Original Croatian domestic food. Mmm...

Zagreb , Hotels:

Very nice hotels around the city.

Zagreb , Safety:

Very safe.

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