Kampala, Uganda - Osaka, Japan - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 9,955 km / 6,185 miles
Kampala, Uganda
You are looking at Kampala in Uganda. The city has a population of 1461605 residents. It is located on 32.42 degrees longitude, and 19.00 latitude.
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Osaka, Japan
You are looking at Osaka in Japan. The city has a population of 2636257 residents. It is located on 135.50 degrees longitude, and 34.53 latitude.
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It seems the translation is flaky, in that it is atuematod. But Google's localisation is a cool thing!.The best part is at the bottom:Zzuula ennyinyonyola za china mu: Chinese (Kyabuwangwa) Chinese (Kyagguhizidwa) Czech Korean Oludaaki Olufaransa Olugirimaani Olupotugo Oluyitale Russian olusipaana oluzungu Ennimi zonna. Hehehe.
Thariey, 2012-12-11 13:45:11