Jakarta, Indonesia - Karachi, Pakistan - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 5,488 km / 3,410 miles

Jakarta, Indonesia

You are looking at Jakarta in Indonesia. The city has a population of 17891004 residents. It is located on 106.75 degrees longitude, and -5.87 latitude.

Jakarta , General info:

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. It's located in Java island.

Jakarta is divided into five areas: Central Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta, North Jakarta, South Jakarta.

Long time ago, during Dutch colonial, it was called Batavia.

The sea port is Tanjung Priok, and the airport is Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

Jakarta , Food:

Jakarta, as the heart of the country, has many food from around Indonesia.

Its own traditional food are: kerak telor, gado-gado, ketupat sayur.

You can always find foreign fast food at the malls, e.g.: Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald's, etc.

Jakarta , Hotels:

You can find many five stars hotel here.

For the backpackers, you can always stay at motels at Jaksa Street, in Central Jakarta.

Jakarta , Safety:

In some areas, safety can be a concern. If you are in the taxi, please always lock the doors. Don't show or hold your valuable things, e.g. purse, wallet, or cell phones. Don't take phone calls when your vehicle stops at traffic light.

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Karachi, Pakistan

You are looking at Karachi in Pakistan. The city has a population of 16000004 residents. It is located on 67.03 degrees longitude, and 24.85 latitude.

Karachi , General info:

Karachi is the main financial and industrial hub in Pakistan, a country with a GDP greater than Norway and Denmark combined. Karachi contributes nearly 70% of Pakistan's $420 billion GDP (source: CIA World Facts Book). Karachi's sea ports (Karachi main and Port Qasim) handle nearly 100% of Pakistan's international trade. The city's attractions include its mild weather, and its open space inland. Karachi International Airport has historically been a hub for international airlines, though recently it has lost its luster to Dubai and Mumbai.

Karachi's industries include automobile plants (Toyota, Suzuki, Nissan and local auto and auto parts manufacturers), textiles, steel, oil refineries, chemical and fertilizer, food processing, space launch systems (Sonmiani Beach), and nuclear power.

Karachi' tourist attractions include its white sand beaches, moonlight crab fishing, and its sea dolphins, fine Pakistani cuisine mostly focused around goat meat, beef, chicken, and fish.

Karachi , Cheap stuff:

Karachi has been found to be the least expensive and the most cost-efficient city of the world in terms of hotel rates for its Sheraton, Marriott, Holiday Inn, Avari (ex Hilton) and Pearl Continental (ex Intercontinental) hotels. Average room costs under $150 per night at these hotels. The finest 7-course dinner at one of the most expensive restaurants will cost under $20, while a good meal in a medium restaurant will be under $8.

The city has recently become a dumping ground of inexpensive Chinese products, thus totally annihilating local manufacture of same products. The Chinese products, however, are available at prices much lower than anywhere else in the world. A 1.0 GB USB flash memory is available for under $5.

Pizza Hut ($6 for a 10-inch pizza with five toppings), McDonalds ($1.20for a full meal), and Kentucky Fried Chicken ($1.50 for a 12-piece all white meat pack) are some of the American brands with outlets across the entire city. But watch for the toppings and add-ons --- they all have some local flavoring also available.

Karachi , Different stuff:

The spped at which the city moves beats any big city.

Karachi , Don't miss:

Don't miss grilled food, lassi (yougurt drink), and

Beaches, moonlight crab fishing and dolphin dance at the beach.

Karachi , Food:

Siekh kabab, Chicken tikka, Beef tikka, Fish (fried and tikka) and Biryani. Be sure to eat it with tandoori naan.

Drinks include lassi (yoghurt drink), roohe afzaa (watermelon extract with vanilla and natural sweeteners), mango lassi, mango and orange (kinnoo) juices.

Local ice creameries are full of faluda (icecream with rose syrup and spaghetti in milk) and pistachio ice cream on a stick.

Karachi , Hotels:

Taj Mahal, Avari, Mehran, Pearl Continental, Marriott, Sheraton, Holiday Inn, Meridien, and over 500 other hotels

Karachi , Safety:

As in all large cities, Karachi has a high crime rate, though the murders rate in Karachi is still above half that in New York, and on a per capita basis, it is as low as that of San Francisco. Be sure to -not- carry any valuables with you, or a large sum of cash or expensive cameras and jewelery, unless you are with a group. Carjacking and cellphone jacking are favorite hobbies of local criminals.

Keeping a low profile, regardless of where you are, is always a wise choice. Showing off cell phones, cameras, and jewellery, and carrying a lot of hard cash is not a good idea. Travel with those Pakistanis who have been to other parts of the world and make good friends. This might help in addressing safety issues. People, in general, are quite progressive, hospitable, and hard working.

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Yo, that's what's up trufthully.
Betsy, 2011-12-20 08:08:14
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