Alofi, Niue - Dhaka, Bangladesh - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 11,971 km / 7,439 miles

Alofi, Niue

You are looking at Alofi in Niue. The city has a population of 614 residents. It is located on -168.08 degrees longitude, and -18.98 latitude.


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Dhaka, Bangladesh

You are looking at Dhaka in Bangladesh. The city has a population of 11918442 residents. It is located on 90.42 degrees longitude, and 23.72 latitude.

Dhaka , General info:

Capital of Bangladesh, high density, nice winter, humid summer, flooded rainy season.

Dhaka , Cheap stuff:


Dhaka , Hotels:

Sheraton, Sonargaun.

Dhaka , Safety:

Be careful traveling at night in unknown places, don't eat anything from unknown,

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