Alofi, Niue - Sydney, Australia - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 4,308 km / 2,677 miles

Alofi, Niue

You are looking at Alofi in Niue. The city has a population of 614 residents. It is located on -168.08 degrees longitude, and -18.98 latitude.


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Sydney, Australia

You are looking at Sydney in Australia. The city has a population of 4319190 residents. It is located on 151.20 degrees longitude, and -32.13 latitude.

Sydney , General info:

Sydney is one of the most beuatiful citites in the world with great landmarks such as the opera house and the harbour bridge. sydney is known for its great weather, beaches and tourist attractions. its is also the largest city in australia with about 4.3million people and covering an area of about 4689.1sq miles.

Sydney , Cheap stuff:

you can find cheap stuff here an there.

Sydney , Different stuff:

the culture and the mixed nationalties

Sydney , Don't miss:

dont miss out on the sydney tower at night

Sydney , Food:

the best food youl find around sydney is in darling harbour.

Sydney , Hotels:

the four seasons hotel exellent.

Sydney , Safety:

there can be some crime in the south western suburbs now and then.

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great city
City rating:

ive been living in sydney for about 10 years and its a great city.
john, 2008-07-14 01:22:07
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