Alofi, Niue - Skopje, Macedonia - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 17,303 km / 10,752 miles

Alofi, Niue

You are looking at Alofi in Niue. The city has a population of 614 residents. It is located on -168.08 degrees longitude, and -18.98 latitude.


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Skopje, Macedonia

You are looking at Skopje in Macedonia. The city has a population of 587308 residents. It is located on 21.43 degrees longitude, and 41.98 latitude.

Skopje , General info:

Capital and largest city in the Republic of Macedonia, with more than a quarter of the population of the country, as well as the political, cultural, economic, and academic center of the country. The city developed rapidly after World War II, but this trend was interrupted in 1963 when it was hit by a disastrous earthquake. Today Skopje is a modern city with a range of cultural monuments.

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