Guatemala (City), Guatemala - St. George's, Grenada/Grenadine Islands - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 3,174 km / 1,972 miles

Guatemala (City), Guatemala

You are looking at Guatemala (City) in Guatemala. The city has a population of 2655905 residents. It is located on -89.48 degrees longitude, and 14.63 latitude.

Guatemala (City)

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St. George's, Grenada/Grenadine Islands

You are looking at St. George's in Grenada/Grenadine Islands. The city has a population of 7264887 residents. It is located on -60.25 degrees longitude, and 12.05 latitude.

St. George's , General info:

Grenada's capital, St. George's, is an attractive colonial town nestled in the hillsides above a horseshoe-shaped harbour. Low, whitewashed and terracotta-roofed buildings follow the sweep of the bay, standing out against the rich green of the surrounding vegetation. During the eighteenth century, the town was partly gutted by three devastating fires, leading to legislation that restricted the height of buildings and banned the use timber.

St. George's , Cheap stuff:

Real vanilla, sometimes it can be found in the markets for as little as $1US for a 1/2 litre bottle.

St. George's , Different stuff:

St. George's Town is a place of commerce with the many banks, businesses, and governmental offices. Do not confuse it for the beach. It is often seen as rude or disrespectful for people to walk around Grenada inappropriately dressed, especially if you are dressed for the beach and you are not on it. Do not confuse the laid-back attitude for lazy, as Grenadians have a very formal and conservative attitude about their lifestyle and workplace.

St. George's , Don't miss:

St. Georges fresh produce marketplace.

St. George's , Food:

The Caribbean kitchen is famous for spicy dishes, exotic fruits and the most delicious variety of sea food. The cocktail of French, Spanish, Indian and African cooking, makes every dish an adventure

Crab and Callaloo, Crab backs cooked with callaloo and served hot. These are land crabs, not the marine variety.

Pepper pot, several different kinds of meat, beef, oxtail, pork ..... whatever is available, cooked with a lot of pepper, garlic, onions chive and thyme and usually served with rice and peas.

Pig souse, made from the knuckles and trotters and usually with grated cucumber...

St. George's , Hotels:

St. George's and Grenada offers a variety of accommodations, from small guesthouses to five star, all-inclusive resorts .

St. George's , Safety:

Grenada is a fairly safe country. There may be more danger for pedestrians on narrow sidewalks and streets than from crime.

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