Gothenburg, Sweden - Jakarta, Indonesia - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 10,842 km / 6,737 miles

Gothenburg, Sweden

You are looking at Gothenburg in Sweden. The city has a population of 600000 residents. It is located on 11.97 degrees longitude, and 57.67 latitude.

Gothenburg , Don't miss:

The summer nights in the archipilago.

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Jakarta, Indonesia

You are looking at Jakarta in Indonesia. The city has a population of 17891004 residents. It is located on 106.75 degrees longitude, and -5.87 latitude.

Jakarta , General info:

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. It's located in Java island.

Jakarta is divided into five areas: Central Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta, North Jakarta, South Jakarta.

Long time ago, during Dutch colonial, it was called Batavia.

The sea port is Tanjung Priok, and the airport is Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

Jakarta , Food:

Jakarta, as the heart of the country, has many food from around Indonesia.

Its own traditional food are: kerak telor, gado-gado, ketupat sayur.

You can always find foreign fast food at the malls, e.g.: Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald's, etc.

Jakarta , Hotels:

You can find many five stars hotel here.

For the backpackers, you can always stay at motels at Jaksa Street, in Central Jakarta.

Jakarta , Safety:

In some areas, safety can be a concern. If you are in the taxi, please always lock the doors. Don't show or hold your valuable things, e.g. purse, wallet, or cell phones. Don't take phone calls when your vehicle stops at traffic light.

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