George Town, Cayman Islands - Vancouver, Canada - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 5,017 km / 3,117 miles

George Town, Cayman Islands

You are looking at George Town in Cayman Islands. The city has a population of 20636 residents. It is located on -80.62 degrees longitude, and 19.30 latitude.

George Town

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Vancouver, Colorado, Canada

You are looking at Vancouver , Colorado in Canada. The city has a population of 2289900 residents. It is located on -122.92 degrees longitude, and 49.32 latitude.

Vancouver , General info:

Vancouver is the largest city in Western Canada, and third largest in Canada. Located at the southwestern corner of the coastal province of British Columbia, it is well known for its majestic natural beauty, as it is nestled between the Coast Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. It is frequently ranked as one of the "best cities to live in" and is certainly a beautiful destination to visit. Vancouver tied with Vienna as having the third highest quality of living in the world, after Zürich and Geneva.

Vancouver , Cheap stuff:

Vancouver is very expensive city it is hard to find anything cheap, except food maybe.

Vancouver , Different stuff:

Nightlife in Vancouver had, for years, been seen as restricted in comparison to other cities, with early closing times for bars and night clubs, and a reluctance by authorities to allow for further development. However, since 2003 Vancouver has experimented with later closing hours and relaxed regulations, and an effort has been made to develop the Downtown core even further as an entertainment district.

A common belief is that marijuana is legal in British Columbia. That is a myth. However if you are caught with a small amount of cannabis in Vancouver it is extremely unlikely that you will be charged, in the vast majority of cases the police will simply ask you to move somewhere out of sight to finish up, or ignore the fact altogether.

Vancouver , Don't miss:

HSBC Celebration of Light, the largest fireworks competition in the world. Four nights of fireworks in late July, early August. Over one million people attend this event every year. Accompanying music is played over local radio stations so that you can hear the choreographed music while watching the show. Last year's crowd during the first night's performance was estimated at 400,000 people so be prepared for huge crowds.

Vancouver , Food:

There is something for everyone in this cosmopolitan city. In particular, you will find many different kinds of food available. If you fancy Sushi (or have not tried it yet) many places offer "all you can eat" lunches for $9.99 (the quality may not be the best though). In general, you are likely to dine better and for cheaper than most other places in North America. You can have a pretty reasonable meal for under $10.00, and at one of the more expensive restaurants in the city, $70.00 will get you a 4 course feast with exquisite service.

Vancouver is also famous for its dim sum restaurants. Because of the big Chinese population, the price and quality of dim sum here is among the best in the world.

Vancouver , Hotels:

In general, accommodations in Vancouver are on the expensive side. Vancouver has the most expensive real estate in Canada. Most hotel rooms begin at $200-250/night, and most motel rooms cost somewhere between $90-150/night. If you are lucky to find hostel accommodation, the cheapest of these will cost around $20/night, more reasonably between $35-50.

Vancouver , Safety:

Vancouver is a very safe city and consistently ranks in the top three of the worlds most livable cities. Within certain parts of the city at night should be conducted with caution, in particular the infamous Downtown Eastside and the Whalley area of Surrey. Parked cars with foreign or out of province licence plates are especially likely to be targeted for theft in these parts of town. Also around East Pender st at Carrall there is the Return It depot, and there is usualy a very large population of homeless people and some real weirdos hanging around that area, and it can be very scary for someone not used to being in this particular area. Panhandling is common in some parts of downtown. For the most part they will just ask for change and leave you alone. Don't be rude, as there may be negative consequences.

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