Fairfax, USA - Freetown, Sierra Leone - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 7,220 km / 4,487 miles

Fairfax, Virginia, USA

You are looking at Fairfax , Virginia in USA. The city has a population of 1010241 residents. It is located on -77.31 degrees longitude, and 38.84 latitude.

Fairfax , General info:

The Fairfax County government is run by a bunch of socialist dictators who line their pockets with kickbacks and corporate bribes. Big government and buraucracy at its finest, the bedroom of the Nation's Capitol. Watch out for the police who protect the rich politicians.

Fairfax , Cheap stuff:

No alians welcome here. Demographics have been changing, much to the chagrin of those in power.

Fairfax , Different stuff:

Every house must look similar to the neighboring houses, or else the owner gets cited for an eyesore and a 'Blightful influence' and can go to jail. Yes, people have been arrested and jailed for as little as not planting pleasant trees on their property.

Fairfax , Don't miss:

Well, watch out for the crazy drivers. Traffic is a real nightmare, even on weekends. There are a few good places to see, but wear personal protection gear and don't travel at night alone.

Fairfax , Food:

Stay away from the tainted peanut butter. And the bad tomatos. And the Enquirer.

Fairfax , Hotels:

Fair but expensive.

Fairfax , Safety:

Not so good, sometimes those in positions of public trust abuse their power. Especially the Board of Supervisors, the BZA, and administrative judges. Guilty until proven innocent if a lay administrator arbitrarily decides you are a violator.

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Freetown, Virginia, Sierra Leone

You are looking at Freetown in Sierra Leone. The city has a population of 1051000 residents. It is located on -12.75 degrees longitude, and 8.50 latitude.


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