Funafuti, Tuvalu - Tehran, Iran - Comparison and Distance between
Distance: 13,867 km / 8,616 miles

Funafuti, Tuvalu

You are looking at Funafuti in Tuvalu. The city has a population of 5301 residents. It is located on 179.22 degrees longitude, and -7.48 latitude.


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Tehran, Iran

You are looking at Tehran in Iran. The city has a population of 11224804 residents. It is located on 51.43 degrees longitude, and 35.67 latitude.


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City rating:

How did I know we'd probably start with beer? A can of Kingfisher from my hotel mini bar in Mumbai is Rs125 which is just under USD3. Kingfisher is a pertty good beer. That's about the same as in a reasonable quality bar. Maybe if we can price things in USD it'll make it easier to compare.
Peteco, 2013-07-06 01:39:14

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